Amadi Judith Bags The E.D.O Laptop Award
- Posted by ABEC
- Categories Blog, Event, Leadership
- Date March 4, 2022
Amadii Judith, a Grade 8 student of ABEC received The Executive Director’s Laptop Award for coming first in all 13 subjects. Congratulations! Congratulations!! Congratulations!!!
Judith Amadi has been an academic celebrity at ABEC ever since topping all her classmates in all 13 subjects. ABEC Media was able to follow up on her story from the 2021/2022 Graduation Ceremony to the E.D. Award. What is important to note is that ABEC is filled with the best students contending with others of such caliber, hence the term, “Best of the BEST”.
ABEC media was able to get an exclusive interview with Amadi Judith when she was able to give us some secrets of her success.
ABEC Media: Judith, it’s been a couple of weeks since the celebration of your success, how do you feel to be celebrated, how does it feel stepping into the limelight?
Judith Amadi: Thank you so much, sir, it does feel great, I have always believed that hard work pays and this is one of my driving forces to achieve success.
ABEC Media: What do you think about the Executive Director’s Laptop gift award, are you excited about that?
Judith Amadi: First of all, I wish to once again express my gratitude to our Executive Director, Mrs. Ibim Semenitari for such a gift, I would say that excitement was an understatement, lol. I was thrilled and over the moon all at the same time. It felt really nice.
ABEC Media: We are talking about first place in all 14 subjects here, what is your reading schedule like?
Judith Amadi: It depends on the time of the day but basically during afternoon prep and night prep which covers 6 hours.
ABEC Media: Who do you think comes close in your class that may overtake you if you are not careful?
Judith Amadi: I wish to reserve my comment on this one. Lol.
ABEC Media: Would you say you have a photographic memory for you to recall all you have learned or do you need to read more to understand the topic?
Judith Amadi: I do believe that I have a photographic memory. I have developed my mind in such a way that whatever I learn usually sticks. Everyone can have photographic memory if you train your mind.
ABEC Media: What is your favorite subject and least subject?
Judith Amadi: My favorite subject will have to be Basic Science and I can’t say that I have a least favorite subject but I do have one that stresses me out which will have to be mathematics.
ABEC Media: What is your advice for students who wish to improve on their grades?
Judith Amadi: First of all, listen to your teachers in class and do not make fun of them. Have a personal reading timetable. Know the time of the day that is preferable for you to read. Do your best to read what you learned for the day and do not wait until the exam period to start reading.
ABEC Media: Finally what is your philosophy of life?
Judith Amadi: Be the best you can be.
ABEC Media: Thank you so much for your time, Judith.
Judith Amadi: You are much welcome.
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