
ABEC Clubs

ABEC Clubs

ABEC Guides


Rotary Club

Thespian Club

Young Farmers Club

ABEC Press

Nerds ICT Club is a club that teaches young active minds about the importance of Information Communication Technology. We aim to help students develop an appreciation for the role of ICT in today’s world. The Club aims to improve the ICT skills of its members by nurturing their creative and programming skills, and sharpening their research and presentation skills.
Moto:-  “Tech is the future, tech is now and we must prepare for the future now”
Activities of ICT Club include
  • Hardware 
  • Software
  • Networking
  • Programming
  • Logic Gates
  • CCTV 
  • Drone
  • Robotics
The Green Club (Environmental) is aimed at raising awareness on environmental issues.  It also teaches people the need for protection preservation and conservation of the environment.   Our activities revolves round-talks on environmental issues, film shows on various environmental hazards, Green activities projects.  Excursions and visits to places of geographical interest.
Club Lead: Mrs Joy A. Adah

Young Farmers Club

We have well established ABEC Farm where we train and educate our members on the following Agricultural practices.
  • Arable Crop  Production
  •  Vegetable Production
  • Livestock Production
  • Aquaculture (fish farming)
We are creating impact on young minds, arousing their interest in Agriculture and awakening a generation that will feed the Nation tomorrow.

ABEC Thespian Society (ABECTS)

ABEC Thespian Society (ABECTS) is an educational theatre association’s student honorary organization.  We enable students to practice and promote creative expression through the art of theatre and live-stage performance.   Members develop people skills and learn about leadership that will stay with them through the secondary school and university careers.
Motto: “Act well your part, there all the honour lies”
The club unit includes the following:
1. Dream Unit
2. Orchestra and Opera Unit
3. Dance Unit
4. Culture and Language (French)
5. Technical Crew
6. Make up and Costumes

Nigerian Girl Guides Association - ABEC Company

The Nigerian Girl Guides Association is a voluntary Organization open to all girls,  young women and adult without distinction on status, religion, nationality and tribe.  This is an Association where young girls and young women are provided with opportunities for self training in character development and services to others based on spiritual and moral values, responsible citizenship and service to their communities.

​ABEC Guides are morally and academically sound.  The self training received through guiding has added more values to their lives.  Here in the school, we have a lot of programmes such as keeping fit, becoming a homemaker, giving services, keeping the Guide Law, getting to know people, enjoying out tools, ability to take decisions for yourself and exploring the arts, also our Guide students are encouraged to develop their line of interest fully.  ABEC Guide students have been participating actively in “World Food Day” and last year October 16th they donated food stuff to Port Harcourt motherless baby Home.  

​Please do well to encourage your Girl Child to join Guides and make a difference to the world.