This page describes how to handle the envelop handed to upon payment of application fee. For enquiries on fee, call the registrar on 08064071693.
The envelop contains the following items:
- Application form made up of two parts, the form and the counterfoil.
- Hand bills and the school brochure.
- Photo card on which the student’s exam number is written and a provision to attach his/her passport photo.
The student photo card is his/her passport into the Examination Hall on the exam date.
Completion and return of Forms
- On purchase of the form, the child’s Name, Address and Class for admission is written on the counter foil detached and retained.
- The rest of the content of the envelop is handed to the parent for completion.
- The completed form should be returned with two passport photographs, one on the photo card and the other on the form itself.
- The form is given out with the corresponding photo card (i.e the photo card with the same serial number). the exam dates are also written on the space provided for that purpose on the photo card and given along with the form.

Examination Dates
The exams are scheduled to hold on the dates published by the school.
Accreditation of candidates starts 8am. Students are expected to come with their writing materials and snack for lunch.
The exam is made up of three Papers.
- Paper I is Mathematics and Quantitative aptitude lasting 1hr 45 minutes.
- Paper II is Vocational Studies, which will last for 45 minutes.
- Paper III is English and Verbal Reasoning which will last for 1hr 30 minutes.
The exam is billed to last for a total of four (4) hours.