ABEC Volleyball Angels
ABEC girls had come this far, determined not to give in to the opposing team who happened to be Brainfield Volleyball Female Players. Though Brainfield chose to equip their team with tall, fierce players, we were not deterred. We carefully selected our players and equally trained hard for this day. Our training was exceptional and it was nothing short of amazing. We understood each other’s position at any given time. We moved like a perfectly oiled machine, serving our opponents back-to-back, one after another like clockwork.
Brainfield players never had a chance, could not survive and must have realized a little too late when their football team got devoured by ABEC Lions FC and now the same fate was before their Volleyball Girls…
But didn’t they know?
Couldn’t they see the signs?
Didn’t they know that ABEC Mascot is a Lion?
Didn’t they know they were playing with Lions?
They will surely remember our name for a very long time – ABEC